KARACHI HALWAAsian Lifestyle TV takes a look at Prabhu Dayal's striking memoir as the author himself begins by reading the prologue to Karachi Halwa.
From The Times of India: "As an Indian diplomat in Karachi, Prabhu Dayal once had an opportunity to "break the ice" with two counter-intelligence agents tasked to tail him everywhere - like the little lamb that always followed Mary, though he notes the duo were "more like fearsome wolves"... And Dayal provides many examples in this slim, humorous, but always keenly perceptive, memoir of his stint (1982-85) in Pakistan's financial capital, midway through Gen. Zia ul-Haq's rule, when the seeds of the lethal problems seen now had just started germinating. But, like several others such as the late B.G. Verghese whose own incisive account of India-Pakistan relations came out last week, he also contends some date from Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's time." |